Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time to get a coach

It's been a while since I blogged on my not so extensive training for the races in June and August. Since the vet highlighted my distinct lack of fitness I would like to say I've been hard at training. However, the reality is that I just got back from 9 booze and food filled days in the UK, visiting friends and the family. It was a great break, the weather was amazing, not a cloud in the sky and between 25-27 degrees the whole time. However, as much as I enjoyed it, the good times are over and I really need to focus on getting some quality training in and perhaps more importantly, watching my diet and cutting out... ok down, on the drink. I've developed a real taste for red wine over the last 6 months and have managed to convince myself that because it is better for me than beer, it's ok. Well I guess it's time to acknowledge that not many endurance athletes fuel themselves on Steak and Red wine. Ok none. So it's whole grains, salads and less 'treats' for me from now on. In fact, they are genuinely going to become treats again, as opposed to regulars. I've been a little too heavy on the cakes this last few months.

So with my resolutions set, I need to get properly training. Hong Kong is noticeably warmer and humid again which means the sweat fest is back on. I've had to start carryng water for anything over 45 minutes and where I have been doing longer runs with a hand held and one more on the belt, I'll now take the camelback with a few litres. I've started to have a think about what electrolytes work for me and don't upset my stomach (none so far!). I'm actually leaning towards a diluted gatorade or pocari (asian equivalent) as my preferred drink, I struggle to eat in the heat, so tend to lean towards getting extra calories from my fluids.

I'm still weaving in a little stationary bike into the mix, intervals 2 times a week followed by the treadmill (adding an extra 1 minute interval each week) and I am attempting to up the speed on the run afterwards. I am now only slightlky slower than a tortoise.

The UTMB requires that I submit a medical certificate stating that I am fit enough to take part and won't keel over during the race. I'm searching for a dishonest doctor who'll sign such an attestation. I'm more a fan of the disclaimer myself, the approach of some other well known races that I've taken part in. I refer to is as the 'you may die but it's not our fault' approach which I am totally comfortable with. As I may die, but only have myself and my penchant for cakes to blame. Even more likely as an asthmatic training in the Hong Kong air, whose run out of becotide and low on ventolin. Hey ho, let's see what a couple of months of dedication to exercise rather than pies does for me.

We have a couple more long weekends in a row in HK due to a number of unique public holidays. In total we have 4 in a row and one more in early June to ease us back into a full working week. I'm hoping to use these days off to get myself into the sort of shape where a doctir will happily sign my attestation withough questioning his/ her oath and ethics.

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