Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ironman v's Ultra runner. Epic Fail

I am sure most people have seen the ironman v's ultra runner video that has been doing the rounds on you tube for the last couple of months. It goes something like:

'I am an ultra runner, all of my clothes come from TK max with enough storage for 3 flapjacks'
'You need to be earning six figures to buy a bike that weighs as much as my breakfast'
'I like ultra running because it takes me to places I have never been to before'
'In my most recent triathlon I was ranked 11th placed left handed Male aged 33-37 and a half who live in the thames valley region'

It's genius. But I have to say on my long run this Sunday my mate, Dave the Vet, gave me a lesson in running. To be fair he is coming off the back of a 10.40 ironman and I am coming off the back of two months of injury, too many steaks and more than a little pinot noir, so I should have known what was coming. Last week was also my biggest training week in some time, so I started sore, Anyway, even making my excuses I realise I have a long way to go and my fitness is not where it needs to be considering my 100k is two months away. Time to get serious about training, well, after a 9 day break in the UK anyway!

The last week of training was pretty strong, I managed:

Monday 7 miles (11k)
Tuesday 11 miles (17k)
Wednesday 11 miles (17k)
Thursday 7 miles (11k)
Friday 1 hour bike (34k)
Saturday 2 hour hike with the girlfriend
Sunday approx 16.5/17miles I think, wasted and a slightly embarrassing injury

I actually had to walk the last 5k or so as I seem to have strained my right buttock. Nothing to do with the triathlete and his Lycra I can assure you. I have a strange shooting pain in what feels like the joint of my hip and leg. Either way, I am walking funny this week. Maybe it was too big a jump in training in the space of a few weeks, maybe too many big hills, anyway I have made the decision to get myself a coach. I'm going to get one of those online ones, mainly because that's what my friend did and he is now considerably faster than me. A couple of trips to Chin-Zilla my favourite, surprisingly strong, massage lady should sort it out. When I was training for other events I found a weekly massage works great guns for minor strains, particularly those linked to a heavy training schedule.

On a positive note I have continued my run of having toilets in the right place at the right time, so I've not had to participate in the other ultrarunners past time of crapping in the great outdoors. It may sound odd to non runners but the effect of a diet of sports drinks and gels has some startling effects. Few of which are pleasant.

In future weeks I shall post my new training plan and progress against it so that hopefully in future we'll see fails on a less epic scale than on Sunday.

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